
// Programmer: Jennifer Leopold date: November 14, 2014

// File: patient.h

// Purpose: This file contains the definition of the

// Patient class.

#ifndef PATIENT_H

#define PATIENT_H

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

#include <fstream>

#include <string.h>

#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

const int MAX_INITIAL_FUNDS = 4000;

const int PERFECT_HEALTH = 100;

const int DEAD = 0;

const char PATIENT_NAME_FILE[] = "names.dat";

class Patient



// Default constructor for Patient

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Values for m_money, m_condition,

// and m_name randomly assigned; value for m_isAlive

// assigned based on value for m_condition


// Deduct specified amount from patient's assets

// Preconditions: Parameter amount is valid integer

// Postconditions: Value for m_money is reduced by

// amount

void pay_out(const float amount);

// Deduct specified amount from patient's condition

// Preconditions: Parameter conditionModifier is valid

// integer

// Postconditions: Value for m_condition is reduced by

// conditionModifier; if m_condition == DEAD,

// function kill is called (see below)

void modify_health(const int conditionModifier);

// Accessor for condition

// Preconditions: None

// Postcondition: Value of m_condition is returned

int getCondition() const { return(m_condition); }

// Randomly choose a name from PATIENT_NAME_FILE

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: A string name from PATIENT_NAME_FILE

// is returned

string randomlyChooseName() const;

// Overloaded operator for << (as friend function)

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Patient'ss member variable values will

// be output to outs (thereby modifying ostream outs)

friend ostream& operator << (ostream& outs,

const Patient& p);


// Change patient's alive status if condition is DEAD

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: Value for m_isAlive is set to false

// if m_condition is == DEAD; otherwise, its value is

// unchanged

void kill();


float m_money; // amount of money patient has

bool m_isAlive; // whether or not patient is alive

int m_condition; // DEAD..PERFECT_HEALTH

string m_name; // patient's name (no spaces)

