
/* Programmer: Jennifer Leopold Date: October 8, 2015

File: hw6_functs.h

Purpose: Function prototypes used for simulating the

processing of a message through a simplified

Enigma machine containing "interchangeable"



#ifndef HW6_FUNCTS_H

#define HW6_FUNCTS_H

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// ******************************************************

// Constants

const short NUM_ROTORS = 5; // # possible rotors

// to choose from

const char END_OF_MESSAGE_CHAR = '.'; // signals end of msg

const char WORD_DELIMITER = '_'; // delimits 2 words in

// msg

const short NUM_LETTERS = 26; // # letters in

// alphabet

const short ASCII_A = 65; // ASCII value of 'A'

const short ASCII_Z = 90; // ASCII value of 'Z'

// ******************************************************

// Function prototypes

// Display a greeting to the user.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: A message has been output to the screen.

void outputGreeting();

// Display a sign-off message to the user.

// Preconditions: None

// Postconditions: A message has been output to the screen.

void outputSignOff();

// Prompt for and get input from the user, validating

// the input to make sure it is within the specified range.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'prompt' contains a string

// describing what information the user is to enter.

// Parameters 'minVal' and 'maxVal' constitute the valid

// range of values for user input.

// Postconditions: A value within the specified range will be

// returned.

short getShortInput(const string prompt,

const short minVal, const short maxVal);

// Prompt for and get a single char input from the user.

// Valid chars are uppercase letters, period, and underscore.

// Preconditions: None.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter, period, or underscore

// is returned.

char getCharInput( );

// Prompt for and get user's selections for the left, middle,

// and right rotors. Note: No rotor can be used more than once.

// Preconditions: None.

// Postconditions: Pass-by-reference parameters 'leftRotor',

// 'middleRotor', and 'rightRotor' will contain the values

// of the selected rotor numbers.

void getRotorSelections(short& leftRotor, short& middleRotor,

short& rightRotor);

// Translate a character ch into another character using

// the function ((ch + 3) % 26) + 65 after having shifted

// ch a certain number of positions from the last ch

// processed by this function.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'ch' should be an uppercase

// letter.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter is returned.

char rotor1(const char ch);

// Translate a character ch into another character using

// the function ((ch + 17) % 26) + 65 after having shifted

// ch a certain number of positions from the last ch

// processed by this function.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'ch' should be an uppercase

// letter.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter is returned.

char rotor2(const char ch);

// Translate a character ch into another character using

// a specific 1-1 mapping after having shifted ch a certain

// number of positions from the last ch processed by this

// function.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'ch' should be an uppercase

// letter.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter is returned.

char rotor3(const char ch);

// Translate a character ch into another character. If ch's

// ASCII value is odd, translate it to the next ASCII character;

// otherwise, translate ch to the previous ASCII character.

// This is done after having shifted ch a certain

// number of positions from the last ch processed by this

// function.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'ch' should be an uppercase

// letter.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter is returned.

char rotor4(const char ch);

// Translate a character ch into the next uppercase letter

// character whose ASCII value is a multiple of 3. This is

// done after having shifted ch a certain number of positions

// from the last ch processed by this function.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'ch' should be an uppercase

// letter.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter is returned.

char rotor5(const char ch);

// Call the function associated with the specified rotor

// to translate the given character.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'whichRotor' should be a

// valid rotor number and parameter 'encryptedChar' should

// be an uppercase letter.

// Postconditions: An uppercase letter is returned.

char translateChar(const short whichRotor,

const char encryptedChar);

// Determine whether or not a specified value is a multiple

// of 3.

// Preconditions: Parameter 'val' should have a value.

// Postconditions: Returns true if 'val' is a multiple of 3;

// otherwise, returns false.

bool isMultipleOf3(const short val);

// Translate an uppercase alphabetic character to another

// character based on its position from a previous character.

// Preconditions: Parameters 'prevChar' and 'newChar' should

// be uppercase alphabeteric characters.

// Postconditions: Returns an uppercase alphabetic character.

char shiftChar(const char prevChar, const char newChar);
