

Programmer: Jennifer Leopold

Date: November 10, 2016

File: main.cpp

Purpose: Program that tests classes for a town, an activist,

and a polluter.

To compile: fg++ main.cpp town.cpp

activist.cpp polluter.cpp -o hw9

To execute: ./hw9


#include <iostream>

#include <ctime>

#include <cstdlib>

#include "town.h"

#include "activist.h"

#include "polluter.h"

using namespace std;

// # of random moves by the activist & polluter to test

const int NUM_RANDOM_MOVES = 4;

// Town's grid size

const short TOWN_SIZE = 7;

int main()


cout << "\nTesting will now begin...\n";

// Seed the random number generator


//*** Test construction of Town

Town springfield(TOWN_SIZE);

cout << "\nTown initially looks like this:\n";

cout << springfield << endl;

//*** Test construction and functionality of Activist & Town

Activist lisa("Lisa");

cout << "\nActivist initially looks like this:\n";

cout << lisa << endl;


cout << "\nAfter placing Activist in middle of town:\n";

cout << springfield << endl;

cout << "Here are " << NUM_RANDOM_MOVES

<< " moves by the Activist:\n";

for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_RANDOM_MOVES; i++)



cout << springfield << endl;


//*** Test construction and functionality of Polluter & Town

Polluter homer("Homer");


cout << "Town after randomly placing a Polluter:\n";

cout << springfield << endl;

cout << "Here are " << NUM_RANDOM_MOVES

<< " moves by the Polluter:\n";

for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_RANDOM_MOVES; i++)



cout << springfield << endl;


cout << "That concludes our tests.\n";

return 0;
