Topic 3 Climate Actions

1. How does climate action help achieve sustainable development?

1. Climate action

a) adaptation and mitigation strategies are complementary responses

b) may create risks and benefits

2. Climate change is a threat multiplier

a) exacerbates other threats to natural and human systems

b) resulting in uneven climate-related effects

3. Climate change constrains development paths

a) uneven impacts of climate change globally

b) places additional burdens on disadvantaged communities and developing countries

2. Why do climate risks vary across places?

1. Climate risks

a) is the interaction between climate-related hazards, and vulnerability and exposure of natural and human systems to these hazards

b) results in potential loss of human lives and damage to properties

2. Affected by climate-related hazards

a) shorter-term events including cyclones and floods

b) longer-term events including sea level rise and droughts

3. Affected by vulnerability and exposure

a) the extent to which a community’s access to water, food and health resources is vulnerable, and the likelihood that a natural system is subject to extreme weather and environmental degradation

b) exposure to hazard areas including proximity to coastal and dry environments

3. How effective are mitigation strategies in building community’s resilience to climate change?

1. Mitigation strategies

a) involves changing how societies produce and use energy and land

b) its effectiveness limited by technological, economic, social and institutional challenges

2. Mitigation strategies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions

a) international agreements and cooperation; use of low-carbon technologies

b) use of clean energy sources; and changes in consumption patterns

3. Mitigation strategies that enhance carbon sinks

a) protection of oceans and forests through land-use change

b) protection of forests through forest regeneration

4. How effective are adaptation strategies in building community’s resilience to climate change?

1. Adaptation strategies

a) require actions to lessen harm brought about by climate change

b) its effectiveness limited by technological, economic, social and institutional challenges

2. Adaptation strategies with structural and technological approaches

a) water and flood management

b) use of technology to produce food

3. Adaptation strategies with social and institutional approaches

a) raising awareness and education

b) national and regional policies and plans

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