What is a tourism system?

1. Components of the tourism system

a) key components include tourist generating regions, tourist destination regions and transit routes

b) volume and direction of travel between regions are influenced by transit routes

2. Relationship between tourist generating and destination regions

a) push factors at tourist generating regions and pull factors at tourist destination regions

b) interdependence of tourists, businesses and organisations at tourist generating and destination regions

What do you think attract tourists to Singapore?

What is a tourist?


A tourist is a person who makes a trip outside his/her usual environment which can be an overnight one or be completed within the same day. 

Tourists can be classified into:



There are many types of tourists. 

What is a tourist system?
A tourist system comprises of 3 interconnected components:

The movement of tourists from generating to destination regions occurs due to a combination of push-pull factors.

3. Interactions between tourism and the environment

a) tourism activity interacts with nature, communities and economies in their local environment and beyond

b) changes to one part of the tourism system affects the local and wider environment, and vice versa

How does tourism interact with nature, communities and economies within the local environment and beyond?