Efforts in sustainable development

1. Environment and climate resilience efforts

a) cleaning and greening Singapore

b) mitigation efforts include green buildings and clean energy; and adaptation efforts include water resilience and food resilience

2. Economic resilience efforts

a) deepen and diversify international connections and strengthen business capabilities to innovate

b) encourage Singaporeans to acquire and utilise deep skills

3. Social resilience efforts

a) developing skills throughout life through SkillsFuture national movement and mobilising communities in preparedness measures

b) creating shared spaces to bring people together, offer input to government planning and address social concerns

Environment and climate resilience efforts

Singapore's sustainable blueprint

Water Resilience

Food resilience programme

Economic resilience efforts

Deepen and diversify international connections and strengthen business capabilities to innovate.

Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore (ES) is the government agency championing enterprise development and work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. ES support Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. With Enterprise Singapore's global network in over 35 locations, it connects businesses with relevant Singapore companies for their business expansion.

Global Innovation Alliance

The Global Innovation Alliance (GIA) is a network of Singapore and overseas partners in major innovation hubs and key demand markets, with a focus on technology and innovation. The GIA network currently spans 16 cities in 12 countries. The GIA has partnered in-market players around the world to run inbound and outbound GIA Programmes to connect companies to overseas business and tech communities, and potential opportunities. Plug and Play is GIA Partner in Jakarta and Manila.


Global Innovation Alliance (GIA)

The Global Innovation Alliance (GIA) is a network of Singapore and overseas partners in major innovation hubs and key demand markets, with a focus on technology and innovation.

Under GIA, EnterpriseSG has partnered in-market players to run Acceleration Programmes in 21 nodes and Co-Innovation Programmes with 40 countries.

Acceleration Programmes accelerate market entry of companies through workshops, mentorships and connections with potential clients and partners.

They support Singapore-based startups to expand overseas, and international startups to expand in the region using Singapore as a springboard.


Social resilience efforts

Developing skills throughout life

Why is there a need to develop skillsfuture?
How can skillsfuture help mid-career workers ?


The support for businesses, upgrading skills for labour and catering for an ageing population as announced in the Budget 2024 

Social resilience efforts

Creating shared space