Topic 1 Small Island City State

1. What are the natural characteristics of Singapore?

1. Physical characteristics

a) small landmass with limited natural resources

b) low-lying island

2. Climatic characteristics

a) tropical equatorial climate

b) experiences Northeast and Southwest monsoons

3. Ecosystems with large biodiversity

a) land-based ecosystem including tropical rainforests

b) coastal ecosystems including inter-tidal areas, mangroves and coral reefs

2. What are the human characteristics of Singapore?

1. Economic characteristics

a) diversified economy

b) wide range of service and manufacturing industries

2. Social characteristics

a) open and globalised

b) densely populated and well-connected internationally

3. Political characteristics

a) independent and sovereign small-scale governance

b) active contributor to global initiatives

3. What are Singapore’s vulnerabilities?

1. Limited land and natural resources

a) difficult to achieve sustainable urban development

b) vulnerable to food, water and energy insecurities

2. Changing demographics

a) decreasing birth rate, ageing population and increasingly diverse society

b) vulnerable to labour shortage and economic slowdown

3. External shocks and global uncertainties

a) economic, social and environmental uncertainties

b) vulnerable to climate change, pandemics and financial crises

4. What contributes towards Singapore’s resilience?

1. Resilient in terms of survival

a) Singapore is able to overcome national crises

b) including economic recessions and pandemics

2. Resilient in terms of adaptability

a) Singapore adapts to changing circumstances

b) puts in place robust infrastructure and strong systems

3. Resilient in terms of thriving

a) Singapore thrives as a small island city-state

b) a liveable and sustainable city

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