Singapore's resilience

1. Resilient in terms of survival

a) Singapore is able to overcome national crises

b) including economic recessions and pandemics

2. Resilient in terms of adaptability

a) Singapore adapts to changing circumstances

b) puts in place robust infrastructure and strong systems

3. Resilient in terms of thriving

a) Singapore thrives as a small island city-state

b) a liveable and sustainable city

To manage the outbreak of COVID-19, a multi-ministry task force was set up to direct and coordinate national and community responses. The multi-ministry task force introduced a series of protocols, safe management and border measures to minimise the impact on public health and ensure that Singaporeans remained vigilant against the spread of the disease. In addition, the government was able to use our reserves, which are our national savings and inheritance, to purchase vaccines and pay for other public health expenses.  

The video below showcases measures in Budget 2020 to help families and businesses affected by COVID-19.

In 2007 when Indonesia banned sand exports, the government adapted and solved the issue by importing from Cambodia instead. However, this may not be environmentally sustainable in the long run. Therefore, Singapore continues to innovate to tackle the land scarcity challenge, including exploring subterranean and waterborne housing and commercial spaces as shown in the video below.

Refer to this interactive from channel news Asia on Singapore global food sources.

Why is there a need to diversify the source of our food imports?

The video below shows how  Singapore has built food resilience with buffer stocks, diversified sources - PM Lee.

Why is there a need for cultivated meat?

How does cultivated meat help Singapore in achieving food security?

Where are lab grown meat available?

How can technology help to improve food production?

Where are the fish farms located in Singapore?

Why is there an increase in the demand for seafood produce?

Singapore firm, Singrow, to grow strawberries in Malaysia and Thailand.

How does this strategy help to increase food security for Singapore?

What are the strengths and limitations of this strategy?

To manage threats from sea level rise, the government has taken proactive steps to strengthen coast protection and stormwater management. For example, the Coastal Adaptation Study (CAS) completed in 2019, was commissioned by the Building & Construction Authority (BCA) in 2013 to better understand the potential impacts of rising sea levels. Public Utilities Board (PUB) will embark on site-specific engineering studies and work with other stakeholders to develop strategies and engineering designs for coastal protection measures. One of these studies is located at City-East Coast and Jurong Island. Take a look at  the video below to learn more about how Singapore is investing in research to study how it can better protect itself against rising sea levels.

To manage carbon emissions, Singapore implemented a carbon tax in 2019. The tax sends a transparent, fair, and consistent price signal to motivate emitters to reduce their emissions. To support projects that reduce emissions, the Singapore Government set aside more than $1 billion over the first five years of implementation. The tax revenue will be used to support decarbonisation efforts and the transition to a green economy and cushion the impact on businesses and households. Carbon tax in Singapore will go up from S$5 per tonne to S$25 per tonne in 2024, followed by S$45 per tonne in 2026, with a view of reaching S$50 to S$80 per tonne by 2030, announces Finance Minister Lawrence Wong.
