Plate Boundaries

1. Divergent plate boundaries

a) plates move away from each other

b) results in mid-oceanic ridges, volcanoes including submarine volcanoes and volcanic islands, rift systems and earthquakes

2. Convergent plate boundaries

a) plates move towards each other

b) results in fold mountains, volcanoes including submarine volcanoes, oceanic trenches and earthquakes

3. Transform plate boundaries

a) plates slide past each other

b) results in faults and earthquakes

Click on the layers menu and tick the checklist box of the different types of plate boundaries. (just click cancel on the popup menu - no need to sign in)
Check out the age of the rocks by clicking sea floor to see the evidence of sea floor spreading.
Check out the subduction zone and oceanic trenches - what type of plate boundary are they found at?

1. Divergent plate boundaries

a) plates move away from each other

b) results in mid-oceanic ridges, volcanoes including submarine volcanoes and volcanic islands, rift systems and earthquakes

Can you locate the mid-oceanic ridges in the map showing the typography of the Mid- Atlantic below?

Is there a relationship between the location of earthquakes and volcanoes (including submarine volcanoes and volcanic islands) as shown by the maps below?

Above maps from EOS workshop I attended. 

Will the diverging plates lead to the widening of the East African Rift to the extent of splitting Africa into 2?

2. Convergent plate boundaries

a) plates move towards each other

b) results in fold mountains, volcanoes including submarine volcanoes, oceanic trenches and earthquakes

Can you location where the fold mountains and volcanoes are from the map showing the topography of Southeast Asia?

Is there a relationship between the location of earthquakes and volcanoes as shown by the maps below?

Why does the depth of earthquakes vary at the convergent plate boundary shown?

Above maps from EOS workshop I attended. 

Ever wonder how the Himalayas are formed?

The presence of the Himalayan salt mine is a results of tectonic movement?

The uplifted folds of Wildhauser Schafberg, Switzerland, are part of the Alps.



3. Transform plate boundaries

a) plates slide past each other

b) results in faults and earthquakes