Social Impacts of Tourism

Positive social impacts of tourism

Negative social impacts of tourism

2. Enhancing cultural ecosystem services

Sanjiangyuan National Park provides the following cultural ecosystem services:

Negative social impacts

Cultural clashes

Tourism may also bring conflicts to the indigenous culture. The younger generation in particular are susceptible to the attractions of western lifestyle brought by tourism and this may lead to out-migration and change in the age structure of local populations. In Turkey, the traditional and conservative nature of society is changing in the new tourist resorts, as young people come in contact with radically different attitudes to women, nudity and religious observance. This can cause friction between the generation. 

The designation of protected sites for ecotourism may force local people off lands to which they traditionally had open access. In turn, this may mean agricultural land and sources of firewood are lost and this may disastrously affect the ability of local people to develop a sustainable economy. In Acapulco, Mexico, the people living by the magnificent bay were forced out as the resort grew. Many now live on the dangerous and infertile slopes above - miles from sources of work and food. Tribespeople who have lived for centuries on the Thai-Burmese border, within an area of tropical rainforest now designated as a World Heritage Site, have been moved out of its boundaries for reasons of strict conservation. However, tourists are being allowed in, and lodges for them have been built.