Topic 1: Thinking Geographically

1. What is the relationship between people and nature in their neighbourhoods?

1. Relationship between people and nature

a) local communities and nearby nature areas are dependent upon each other

b) local communities and nearby nature areas mutually affect each other

2. Benefits enjoyed by people and nature

a) nature areas lower air temperatures, remove pollutants and provide space for recreation

b) community activities promote the importance of environmental protection

3. Disadvantages to people and nature

a) wildlife from nearby nature areas may harm people and environmental protection limits development

b) visitors to nature cause soil erosion, damage vegetation, worsen pollution and disturb wildlife

2. How do people acquire a sense of place in their neighbourhoods?

1. Sense of place

a) people associate importance, meanings and memories with specific locations in their neighbourhoods

b) people’s experiences with natural and built environments, and interaction with others at these locations

2. Acquiring a sense of place

a) individuals repeatedly encounter people and objects along familiar paths or roads during regular travel

b) individuals experience significant or memorable events at local landmarks and gathering places

3. Representing a sense of place

a) individuals and organisations use different forms and types of media to express people’s sense of place

b) individuals’ sense of place could be enhanced or contradicted by these different representations

3. What is the relationship between locations in a neighbourhood?

1. Regions

a) areas with similar physical and/or human characteristics or is known for something

b) spheres of influence of services, events and objects on other locations in the area

2. Spatial patterns

a) non-random arrangement of services, events and objects in an area

b) services, events and objects arranged in recognisable shapes, geometry, clusters and at regular intervals

3. Spatial associations

a) tendency of a pair of services, events and objects to locate near each other

b) tendency suggests a connection between a service, event or object and another service, event or object

4. How are neighbourhoods organised in Singapore?

1. Spatial scales in Singapore

a) more than 20 towns spread across the country, catering to different lifestyles

b) each town has a town centre, serving as commercial and social hubs for residents living in its neighbourhoods

2. Spatial hierarchies in Singapore

a) nested areas of different sizes beginning with a single residential unit

b) clusters of residential units form a precinct, which in turn form neighbourhoods that combine into a town

3. Town planning in Singapore

a) serve residents and provide for nature at distinct levels of the precinct, neighbourhood and town

b) create connections and synergies across precincts, neighbourhoods and towns

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