Sustainable tourism production

How might tourism continue to develop sustainably?

1. Sustainable tourism production

a) when demands on ecosystem services do not exceed the supply of resources

b) when different stakeholders adopt a long-term, responsible and coordinated approach instead of short-term profit

2. Sustainable tourism consumption

a) when destination regions manage demand and tourism is consumed responsibly by tourists

b) when policies give local communities primary attention while considering needs of tourists

3. Equitable distribution of tourism benefits

a) effective tourism management to ensure benefits are enjoyed by all

b) minimising negative trade-offs within or between economic, social and environmental dimensions

Demands on ecosystem services do not exceed the supply of resources

Koh Samui is a popular tourist destination in Thailand.  Watch the video on Koh Samui's chronic water shortage.

How does tourism impact on water resource in Koh Samui?

What is Sustainable Tourism Development?

Sustainable tourism development occurs when tourism is produced and consumed sustainably and when there is distribution of benefits. 

Different stakeholders work together and adopt responsible long-term approaches


Tourists can ensure that tourism is consumed sustainably by making responsible choices about:

An example of a hotel which practice sustainability.

Sustainable development of Tourism

1) Implementing effective tourism management to ensure the tourism benefits are enjoyed by all stakeholders 

2) Minimising negative trade-offs within or between economic, social and environmental dimensions