Tourism Activity

1. Impacts of tourism activity in Singapore

a) economic and social impacts

b) environmental impacts

2. Challenges affecting tourism development in Singapore

a) intensifying regional competition and increasingly discerning visitors

b) ageing population, resource constraints and threats from global uncertainties

3. Opportunities created to mitigate and adapt to impacts of tourism activity in Singapore

a) benefits due to growing Asia and develop partnerships with stakeholders to spearhead place-making initiatives

b) trial sustainability solutions and develop skilled workers

The video below which highlights some of the key attractions in Singapore.  

Impacts of tourism on Sinagpore

Do you agree on the positive and negative impacts which tourism brings to Singapore as shown in the video?

Challenges to tourism in Singapore from climate change. Watch the video below:

What are the impacts of climate change on tourism in Singapore?

What are the possible adaptation strategies?

The formation of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore growth triangle in the 1990s facilitates the collective promotion of tourism in Indonesia’s Riau Islands, Malaysia’s Johor state, and Singapore. 

Transforming Singapore towards sustainable tourism and urban living


How will tourism be affected by the growing demand for wellness/ health tourism?
What are the 2 new attractions planned to boost Singapore's tourism?
How can Changi be developed into a secondary tourism hub?
How can this project be benefit tourism, especially for transit passengers?
Where are the sites in Changi that can be developed for tourism in the masterplan?