Variation in Disaster risks

1. Tectonic disaster risk

a) is the interaction between tectonic hazards, and vulnerability and exposure to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

b) results in potential loss of human lives and damage to properties

2. Factors influencing disaster risks caused by earthquakes

a) nature of hazards including duration and time of shaking

b) vulnerable conditions including quality of building design and construction, and soil and rock properties; and exposure including population density and distance from epicentre

3. Factors influencing disaster risks caused by volcanic eruptions

a) nature of hazards including chemical composition of magma

b) vulnerable conditions including availability of surface and ground water in the development of lahars, prevailing wind conditions affecting direction and distribution of tephra; and exposure including presence of human settlements

How does the nature of the earthquake and vulnerable conditions such as poor building design affect the disaster risk in the Turkey-Syria earthquake Feb 2023?
Watch the video below to find out more.

Watch th video below to see how soft soil led to liquefaction in an earthquake which struck Palu, Indonesia, causing greater risks and damages to the people in September 2018. 

Watch the video on how the landslides from the earthquake on steep terrain hamper search and rescue in Taiwan after the 7.4 magnitude earthquake on 3 April 2024.

Watch the video on the volcanic eruption in Iceland. How do vulnerability, exposure and nature of the eruption affects the level of disaster risk in Iceland?

Semeru erupted on 4 Dec 2021, a cloud of volcanic ash 12,000 m (40,000 ft) was ejected into the air, killing at least 57 people and injuring more than 100 others.
Why are the people living near Semeru volcano facing higher disaster risks?

In 2018, the eruption of Krakatoa triggered a tsunami that killed at least 420 people and injured 14,000 others.[

As a result of the landslide, the height of the volcano was reduced from 338 meters to 110 meters.