Sustainable development

1. Disaster risk management

a) prevent, reduce and manage disaster risks thus strengthening resilience

b) apply plans and actions which are developed into various strategies by communities

2. Disaster risk and loss

a) brings serious economic, social and environment consequences

b) is costly for individuals and countries, and may hinder their development

3. Reducing disaster risks

a) important for disaster-prone developing countries

b) a cost-effective investment in preventing future losses, thus contributing to sustainable development

Preventing disaster

Look at how earthquake affects the 101 tower while it was being built in March 2002 and how the mass damper help to stabalise it in another earthquake in 2022. 

How do disaster risks and losses hinder development?
One example is the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which pushed the proportion of people living below the poverty line in Aceh, Indonesia, from 30 to 50 percent. Many lost their homes, jobs and sources of income, hindering Aceh’s development.  

Why is it important to reduce disaster risk for disaster-prone developing countries?


Developing countries often lack the capacity (e.g. technological know-how and resources) to adequately prevent, reduce, and manage disaster risks and recover from disasters other than the lack of fund. Watch the video to see how Haiti is still struggling from the 2010 earthquake.

"Less developed countries often suffer more from the effects of tectonic hazards than more developed countries." How far do you agree with the statement? Support your answer with named examples.