Common Hazards

1. Fire hazards

a) fires in neighbourhoods are commonly caused by faulty electrical appliances and wiring, and unattended cooking fires

b) negative consequences of fires include burn injuries, smoke inhalation and property damage

Some of the common causes of fires in urban neighbourhoods include faulty electrical appliances and wiring, as well as unattended cooking fires such as overheating of food. 

Fire hazards may also occur naturally. They are often caused by periods of dry weather, which may result in vegetation fires. 

Below are pictures of the fire in Punggol, which broke out at the junction of Punggol Waterway and Punggol Road resulted in a blaze the size of a football field in 2014.

What are the impacts of Fire Hazards to health and property?

2. Air pollution hazards

a) air pollution in neighbourhoods is commonly caused by burning vegetation and industrial and motor vehicle emissions

b) negative consequences of air pollution include respiratory infections, heart disease and lung cancer

Air pollution can be caused by the burning of vegetation  - like the vegetation fire in Punggol in 2014.

Another case of air pollution is from industrial emission. 

The article below shows a letter from a former resident of Punggol on how air pollution has affected him and his wife.

Do you agree with the statistic below which shows the most polluted air in Singapore dated 30 Dec 2022?

3. Traffic hazards

a) traffic accidents in neighbourhoods are commonly caused by speeding, red-light running and drunk driving

b) negative consequences of traffic accidents include serious injury and loss of life