Personality Characteristics of Tourists

1. Spectrum of personality characteristics

a) Dependables and Venturers, with a small proportion of tourists on both extreme ends

b) majority of tourists in the middle of the spectrum with a mixture of both extremes

2. Features of personality characteristics

a) Dependables spend cautiously, guided by authoritative figures, prefer structures in daily living and the company of friends and family

b) Venturers spend readily, guided by personal judgement, prefer different activities and being alone

3. Personality characteristics influence travel patterns

a) different types of tourist destination regions appeal to tourists with different personality characteristics

b) tourists who are more Venturer types influence travel decisions of those who are more Dependable types

Watch the following video which shows a tourist's experience in Mongolia. As you watch the video, consider the following questions: 

Visit to a volcano in Bali by my former student Jacelyn. What personality type of tourist do you think she is?

A visit to the Grand Canyon from my former student Marcus Leong. The shift of tourist personality trait from venturer to dependable.  It’s a day trip for him as he engaged a local operator to pick him up from hotel as it’s at least 4 hours drive from the city. 10 tourists in the group and a local guide showed him around the canyon. 

25 April 2020