Why does temperature vary?

Why does air temperature vary across Earth’s surface?

1. Earth’s rotation and revolution

a) Earth’s rotation on its axis results in variability of air temperature over time in a day

b) Earth’s revolution around the sun results in variability of air temperature over time in a year

2. Latitude and altitude

a) at the global scale, solar angles are lower at higher latitudes resulting in lower air temperatures

b) at a local scale, air pressure is lower at higher altitudes resulting in lower air temperatures

3. Nature of surfaces and distance from sea

a) earth surfaces including snow cover, vegetation and exposed soil affect site specific air temperatures

b) maritime effect on coastal areas and continental effect on inland areas affect site specific air temperatures

 Check out the interactive map - https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ventusky.com%2F%3Fp%3D38.9%3B-121.7%3B4%26l%3Dtemperature-2m&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw1sLdTwa77uZrYehj045iBW

The temperature of the place will appear when you move your mouse cursor over it.

Are the following true?

1. Temperatures decreases away from the equator.

2. Temperatures are higher/lower at places near to the sea  compared to places more inland in Winter/Summer,

3. Temperatures are higher in places of high altitudes.



· Temperature varies throughout the day in a place. The temperature rises and falls as the Earth rotates from west to east. The location facing the sun experience day and the location which is away from the sun experience night. Temperature rises during the day and falls at night.

· Temperature generally increases with the length of the day. Places along the equator have equal lengths of day and night all the year. Beyond the equator, places have longer days and hence higher temperatures in summer, and shorter days and lower temperatures in winter. Temperatures are higher from June to August in the Northern Hemisphere due to the position of the sun in relation to the Earth’s axis which is tilted at an angle of 23½° from the vertical. From June to August because of the position of the overhead sun, there is a higher intensity of the sun rays in the northern hemisphere. Thus the temperatures are higher during this period.  

Can you feel the heat? Can you imagine living in areas with temperatures above 40 degree Celsius?