
1. Ecotourism

a) comprises diverse approaches that lie on a spectrum from hard to soft ecotourism

b) limitations include uncertainty over continuity of efforts in conserving nature and involving local communities

2. Community-based tourism

a) innovative small-scale tourism managed by local communities including homestays and agricultural tourism

b) limitations include the potential loss of local culture and competition from larger-scale tourism operators

3. Pro-poor tourism

a) focused on improving livelihoods of the poor through training and access to micro-finance

b) limitations include the inability to significantly reduce poverty as compared to direct investment in social services

Stakeholders can use a few approaches to achieve sustainable tourism development. 

What is ecotourism and how does it contribute to sustainable development of tourism?

How does ecotourism help to contribute to sustainable tourism in Thailand? Watch from 4.49

How does comunity-based tourism help to  contribute to sustainable tourism in Thailand?

Another community based tourism in Vietnam at Yen Duc. Read more about this project which started in 2011 and helped the poor in the village as well.

What are the key features of pro-poor tourism?

How does pro-poor tourism contribute to the sustainable development of tourism?

How does pro-poor tourism help to contribute to sustainable tourism in India?