Why does precipitation vary?

Why does precipitation vary across Earth’s surface?

1. Water cycle

a) movement of water between the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface through evapotranspiration, condensation and precipitation

b) movement of water at different rates in the form of infiltration, surface runoff and groundwater flow

2. Relative humidity

a) condensation is affected by the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere

b) condensation occurs when the amount of water vapour exceeds the amount that can be held by the atmosphere at a given temperature

3. Clouds and precipitation

a) clouds form due to condensation nuclei and the coalescence of water droplets in the atmosphere

b) results in precipitation including convectional and relief rainfall

Source: http://www.nea.gov.sg/docs/default-source/training-knowledge-hub/publications/annual-weather-review-(2013).pdf

Which is the wettest area in Singapore in 2013? 
Why do you think this part of Singapore receive higher amount of rainfall? 

Relative humidity

Graph showing how relative humidity changes with temperature throughout the day

· Temperature rise/increase from around 18°C at 6 am to around 31 °C at 6 pm and

· Relative humidity fall/decrease from around 62% to 8%

· Temperature fall/decrease from around 31°C at 6 pm to around 18 °C at 6 am and

· Relative humidity rise/increase from around 8% to 62%

· At higher temperatures, the air will be able to hold more water vapour.

As air molecules are more spread out, more water vapour can fill the spaces. Thus the relative humidity is low.

     ·    Therefore, assuming the actual water vapour in air is constant, relative humidity is lower at higher temperatures  and higher at lower temperatures.. There is an inverse relationship between temperature and relative humidity.

If you are asked to describe from the diagram or graph, you must state the temperature and relative humidity`at the different time of the day to show that you are making reference to it with the data.

Types of rain - Watch the videos on convectional and relief (orographic) rain  below. 

Which type of rain is common in Singapore? Give reasons for your answer.