Topic 2 Tourism Development

1. What are the trends in tourism?

1. Globalisation and tourism

a) continued expansion in international tourist arrivals

b) tourism becomes increasingly diverse in tourist generating and destination regions

2. Diversity in tourism demand

a) growing popularity of lesser-known destinations that were not previously as popular or were less accessible

b) emergence of new experiences including adventure, heritage, sports and health tourism

3. Diversity in tourism supply

a) small specialist operators adding onto services of mass market tour operators

b) tourism marketing changing from traditional print and broadcast media to new online media

2. How does tourism affect the economies of places?

1. Economic impact in the tourism system

a) tourist generating and destination regions operate interdependently in the tourism system

b) tourism’s impact on the economy is experienced more significantly at tourist destination regions

2. Positive economic impact

a) increased employment in the formal and informal tourism sectors at tourist generating and destination regions

b) higher income generated from tourists’ spending on consumer goods and services at tourist destination regions

3. Negative economic impact

a) economic leakages resulting in less tourism revenue

b) overdependency on tourism increasing tourist destination regions’ vulnerability to a sudden fall in tourist numbers

3. How does tourism affect the society of places?

1. Social impact in the tourism system

a) tourists and local communities at tourist destination regions mutually affect each other

b) outcomes are shaped by the nature of interaction between tourists and local communities

2. Positive social impact

a) increased interest among tourists and local communities in preserving traditional cultural practices and art forms

b) environmental protection at tourist destination regions enhances cultural ecosystem services

3. Negative social impact

a) commodification of traditional cultural practices and art forms resulting in loss of values and conflict among locals

b) negative attitudes of local communities towards tourists including cultural clashes and tourists as victims of crimes

4. How does tourism affect the environment of places?

1. Environmental impact in the tourism system

a) natural environments provide important provisioning and regulating ecosystem services

b) environmental degradation due to tourism impact tourist destination regions significantly

2. Positive environmental impact

a) conservation of natural environments and preservation of biodiversity to maintain natural attractions

b) restoration of degraded aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to create new natural attractions

3. Negative environmental impact

a) pollution caused by greenhouse gas emissions, inadequate sewage facilities and improper waste disposal

b) construction of facilities and attractions encroaches on nature, depletes natural resources and threatens wildlife habitats

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