Topic 3 Disaster Risk Management

1. How does disaster risk management help achieve sustainable development?

1. Disaster risk management

a) prevent, reduce and manage disaster risks thus strengthening resilience

b) apply plans and actions which are developed into various strategies by communities

2. Disaster risk and loss

a) brings serious economic, social and environment consequences

b) is costly for individuals and countries, and may hinder their development

3. Reducing disaster risks

a) important for disaster-prone developing countries

b) a cost-effective investment in preventing future losses, thus contributing to sustainable development

2. Why do disaster risks caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions vary across places?

1. Tectonic disaster risk

a) is the interaction between tectonic hazards, and vulnerability and exposure to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

b) results in potential loss of human lives and damage to properties

2. Factors influencing disaster risks caused by earthquakes

a) nature of hazards including duration and time of shaking

b) vulnerable conditions including quality of building design and construction, and soil and rock properties; and exposure including population density and distance from epicentre

3. Factors influencing disaster risks caused by volcanic eruptions

a) nature of hazards including chemical composition of magma

b) vulnerable conditions including availability of surface and ground water in the development of lahars, prevailing wind conditions affecting direction and distribution of tephra; and exposure including presence of human settlements

3. How effective are the strategies in building communities’ resilience to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?

1. Strengthening resilience

a) important for communities living in hazard-prone zones

b) to resist, adapt and recover from impacts of disasters in a timely and efficient manner

2. Strategies in building community resilience

a) reducing exposure including land use planning; reducing vulnerability including hazard-resistant building designs, and monitoring and warning systems

b) increasing preparedness for response and recovery

3. Challenges in building community resilience

a) extent of community’s resources

b) capability of community to organise itself for disasters

4. How effective are the disaster management strategies after an earthquake or a volcanic eruption?

1. Disaster management

a) organisation, planning and application of strategies

b) for responding to and recovering from disasters

2. Disaster management strategies

a) disaster response includes search and rescue efforts, timely evacuation, and provision of basic social and psychosocial services to affected communities

b) disaster recovery includes restoring and improving facilities and living conditions of affected communities

3. Challenges in disaster management

a) lack of domestic resources, including technology and finances

b) engaging relevant stakeholders to collaborate and integrate disaster management strategies into their practices

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