

February 7, 2023

Board Members: Ivan Beattie, Heidi Chamberlain, Jan Nolan, Greg Cutler, Laurie Kunz

Town Staff: Anita Sheldon (Town Clerk), Leslie Perra (Interim Town Manager), Jamie Blanchard (Lieutenant Manchester Police Department)

Town Staff via Zoom: None

Public Attendees: Malachi Garff, Rachel Desactils, Tory Rich (Manchester Journal), Cara Boshart, Greg Boshart, Sylvia Jolivette, Bill Drunsic

Attendees via Zoom: David Quesnel, Michael Kelley

Beattie called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Minutes from January 17, 2023

Cutler moved, second by Nolan, to approve the minutes from January 17, 2023.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Minutes from January 24, 2023

Kunz moved, seconded by Cutler, to approve the minutes from January 24, 2023.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Cutler moved to amend the agenda to include an executive session item, seconded by Chamberlain.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Vermont Bond Bank Loam Commitment Memo

Part of the $1.1 million-dollar bond includes a repayment schedule.  This will be paid off in 2053.  

Chamberlain motioned, Cutler seconded, to authorize Chair Beattie to sign the Vermont Bond Bank Loan Commitment Memo.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Appointment of Investment Advisory Committee Member

Nolan motion, seconded by Chamberlain, to appointment George Araskiewicz, District Manager for Community Bank, to the Investment Advisory Committee.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Girls on the Run

Malachi Graff and Rachel Desautels presented information on Girls on the Run.  Last year there were 550 program participants, 145 running buddies, 153 registered volunteers and 17 local business sponsors.  This was held at Dana L. Thompson Memorial Park.  This is a 5k non-competitive event that helps build skills and reach goals.  This is a joyful non-competitive event.  This was also a great collaboration with local safety personnel including police, fire and EMT.  In 2023 we will need local business sponsors and many, many more volunteers. We anticipate a 30% increase this year with approximately 100 new participants.  There is a lot of events going on at the park during that weekend and parking will be a critical issue.  

Community Food Cupboard

Cara Boshart, President of the Community Food Cupboard proposed an addition to townhall that would add 710 square feet.  We already have 600 square feet.  This would extend off of the current roof line.  We would move the generator and propane tank.  This would allow access to all the existing doors.  It will provide a roof overhang, which is needed.  The emergency pantry will move to the left, which will be open 24 hours per day.  This will allow people to come through the area, shop through and then exit the other door.  The garage door will allow us to move the pallets into the food cupboard rather than breaking them down.  This will look much nicer and fix the heaved walkway.  We will pay for the full cost of the renovations.  We are asking for an extended lease, at least 10 years.  If we can get all the permits in place we would like to break ground in April. Cutler was concerned about a 501c(3) putting an addition on a municipal building.  Boshart would like wording in the lease that would allow a payment of monies if they were to move or if the building were sold.  Currently the town pays the utilities, except for the external walk-in refrigerator, which has its own meter.  When the addition is complete we will put in another meter which would allow the CFC to pay for all of the electricity, heating and cooling costs.  Perra mentioned that the furnace needs to be ventilated properly.  Beattie mentioned we may add to the lease an escalation of rent in the new contract.  Perra also mentioned employees of the town and volunteers should park in police department lot to ensure we have enough room for the patrons.  Bill Drunsic suggested a 5-year option on the 10 year lease, or even go longer.

Cutler motioned, Chamberlain seconded, to approve the CFC conceptual plans for expansion, subject to review by the various boards and completion of an acceptable lease agreement.  Motion carried 5-0-0.

Other Business

Jolivette is concerned about the lighted cross signs should be changed to a 20 MPH speed limit.  Cutler recommends additional lighted crosswalk signs be added to the area by the Avocado Pit.  

Perra mentioned that Cody and Love is retiring and will no longer be performing auditing services.  We will need to send out an RFP for a new auditing firm.

Vicious Dog Hearing

The son and father of Kyng have relinquished their rights and ownership of Kyng.

Cutler motioned, Nolan seconded, to go into Executive Session for items related to personnel which the premature disclosure would put the town into a distinct disadvantage.  

Entered into executive session at 8:05 p.m.


After exiting Executive Session at 9:32 p.m. no action was taken.




Nolan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Cutler seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.


Approved by the Board                                                                  Date