


Commission Attendees: Tina Cutler, Leon Ward, Chris Glabach, Greg Boshart, Ana Rahona.

Staff Attendees: Janet Hurley (Planning & Zoning Director), Eric Severance (Water Superintendent)

Public Attendees: Brian Benson, Mike Nawrath.

Cutler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Hurley read the remote meeting script attached to these minutes and thereby incorporated. Hurley initiated recording and announced that the meeting was being recorded. Planning Commissioners identified themselves each in turn. Hurley and Severance identified themselves.

Minutes from 1-11-2021 were approved by unanimous consent.

Preparation of Zoning Map Revisions for Public Hearing. Hurley shared the proposed APO map on screen and directed attention to the changes that were made. She noted that it looked like a very small portion of one of the private sourcewater protection areas extended into Manchester Village, where this overlay would not apply. She will address that with Brandy Saxton. Hurley displayed the proposed Design review Overlay and the proposed zoning district maps. She noted that Saxton is preparing one correction for a residential building lot at the end of Johnnycake Street that should be shown in the RR district rather than the FC. Once these maps are available, Hurley explained that she will be able to warn a public hearing.

Preparation of Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance for Public Hearing. Hurley displayed the proposed APO language on screen and reported that the Town Consulting Engineer Chrissy Haskins reviewed the language and asked whether the language of 5.2.5 (2) and 5.2.6 (2) should be repeated under 5.2.7. Commissioners reviewed the language of 5.2.9 and 5.2.10 that would apply throughout the APO and decided that Haskin’s recommended repetition was unnecessary.

Hurley directed attention to the proposed ROW exemption language. Commissioners approved the revision as follows:

2.2.23 Public Rights of Way. Land development within public road or trail rights-of-way that is governed by Chapter 14 of the Manchester Unified Ordinance or by the State of Vermont Agency of Transportation, including, but not limited to, installation of surfacing, curbing, stormwater drainage features, sidewalks or other pathways, streetlights, bike racks, benches, and waste receptacles.

Nawrath expressed disapproval that the town should exempt itself from its own rules. Boshart asked that proposed language for the bicycle parking be revised. Commissioners agreed on the following:

9.6.10 Bicycle Parking.

(1) At least one bicycle parking space for every 25 automobile parking spaces must be provided.

(2) Bicycle parking must be located within 175 feet of a building entrance on a firm, flat surface (for clarification, a grass or gravel surface is acceptable).

(3) Additional bicycle parking can substitute for automobile parking on a basis of one automobile parking space per six bicycle parking spaces.

(4) If bicycle parking is located under a roof or within a structure, it can substitute for automobile parking on a basis of one automobile space per three bicycle parking spaces.

Benson argued that the standards for Sub-Zone C should be just as restrictive as those in Sub-Zone B because there has been no testing east of Route 7 to determine that activities there would not affect the town aquifer. Boshart indicated that less restrictions further from the well heads is appropriate. Nawrath argued that the town plan posits expanding the APO to protect sourcewaters and that these changes therefore run counter to the town plan. Hurley countered that the town plan was adopted in 2017 and the APO was expanded in 2019 to include the area east of Route 7. Boshart added that the Planning Commission is now proposing refinement of that expansion.

Letter to Selectboard Regarding Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure. Commissioners discussed Ward’s revised draft letter. Commissioners expressed approval and encouraged Ward to convey the letter to the Selectboard.

Other Business.

Hurley reported that she has submitted an application to the state’s Better Places Program for funding to help establish a pocket park on the GMP substation property. She is also preparing a small scale bike/ped grant application to help install a Bonnet Street crosswalk at School Street.

The next meeting of the commission will be March 15, 2021.

Rahona motioned to adjourn. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0-0 at 8:00 p.m.

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For the Planning Commission Date