


May 24, 2023


Committee Attendees:  John Watanabe, Mary Shoener, Ray Nevin & Joelle Greenland

Staff Attendees:  Peter Brabazon, Assistant Zoning Administrator  


Public Attendees:  Vallis Goodermote, Todd Beyer, William Ferrone, Mark Lenza, Norm Ellenbogen, Ruthie Ellenbogen, Janet Roth, John Roberts, Michael Ellenbogen, Carolina Ellenbogen, via zoom Kathy Lowkes


Brabazon initiated recording. Greenland called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.




Valllis Goodermote presented signs that had been modified as a result of the last meeting discussion.  Greenland noted for the record that while logos of national chains cannot be altered, the DAB does push back on their sign applications.  Goodermote stated that she only has one store but her logo is trademarked.  Greenland noted that the location that Goodemote is moving into is a historic district and that per the Design Guidelines for Manchester’s Commercial and Historic Districts, sign designs should reflect the architecture, history or use of the site in the design. 


The Design Review Board is guided by the Manchester Land Use & Development Ordinance as well as the Manchester Town Plan 2017 and the Design Guidelines for Manchester’s Commercial and Historic Districts. 


The applicant is moving her business from the Town Center (TC) Zoning district into a Downtown Zoning (DN) District.  The new location is also in the Manchester Center Historic District.  The Manchester Town Plan 2017 page 51 includes a map from the 1986 state historic survey which shows the building to be a Contributing Structure. 





Excerpt from the Design Guidelines for Manchester’s Commercial & Historic Districts on page 50 of the Sign Design:


Principle: Signs should fit within and enhance the context and character of a district

Principle: Signs should provide effective communication and guidance

Principle: Signs should be lit evenly and clearly and without glare or light pollution.


Shoener stated that Board is struggling with her street sign approval because while they want to support the local business community, her  logo doesn’t fit the historic district that she is moving to.  Shoener recommended that the sign not include her logo and just have the business name Aunt Bonnies Health & Wellness.    The applicant brought out the design of other signs that demonstrated the use of illustrations, some of which were not in the same district.  Discussions of the various signs continued and the Board felt the examples of other business signs were either not in the same district or where not comparable to Goodermote’s proposed signs. 


The window signs presented have been modified reflect positive changes in the appearance and they would be located at the front of the store.  The Board was in favor of these changes.  Watanabe made the motion to approve the window signs as presented tonight, Shoener seconded.  The motion carried 4-0.


The Board having approved the window display sign were concerned with the two remaining signs proposed.  The blade sign and the wall sign can be seen from greater distances and would impact the look and feel of the historic district therefore would require additional design work to help conform and enhance the context and character of the district.


Goodermote presented a sign on side of the building.  Nevin’s felt the sign design didn’t fit the side of the building.  Watanabe commented that there are a lot of signage being proposed for the building.  The blade sign and the rectangular sign on the side of the building two signs that were tabled until such time as the Board sees a revised version that they can approve.   The applicant was asked to have Frank Crane come in to review the options to get consensus on the blade sign that is still open for discussion and vote.


Applicant provided paint chips to change the color of the buildings trim as Benjamin Moore Coriander and Pensive for the building.  Nevin made a motion approval the paint colors as proposed by applicant, Watanabe seconded.  The motion carried 4-0.




Karen Geriak joined via Zoom and gave an overview of the hanging sign proposal, one for Nippers and one for Cold Cow Creamery.  Only one sign would be in place, at any time and they would be changed as each business was open.  Geriak offered to come to the Kilburn Meeting Room as it was difficult to see what the Boards questions were.   After some discussion it was suggested by Greenland that the sign be done on a more permanent basis to minimize what needed to be changed out seasonally.  The suggestion to make a black/white sign that would reference the operation hours for the business.  Nippers café for instance could be the primary sign on top with Cold Cow on the bottom as it will only be open in the summer months.  The preferred style is a square sign as opposed to the curved one.  There are no lights proposed for this location.  There was not location indicated on a site plan.  Brabazon indicated that he would be willing to review the proposed location with DPW to make sure the line of sign is not encroached.  Condition of sign for placement will not diminish any line of sight. 


Watanabe made the motion to approve option B proposed by applicant, square sign with a black and white sign on the bottom, Shoener seconded.  The motion carried 4-0.


The picnic tables were also discussed, with the paint color in question and a request to mute the colors was made.  Geriak indicated that she is willing to repaint but at the moment does not have time.  Additionally, the screening for the site plan was discussed and the Geriak indicated that the plantings will be completed as soon as possible.


Katheryn Lowkes gave a description of the sign that she has been using at her current office located in the Village.  The sign will be relocated to an existing post located in their new location at 5420 Main Street.  The colors, size and location of the sign fits within the parameters of the ordinance.  Nevin made a motion to approve the sign, Watanabe seconded.  The motion was carried 4-0.


5.     Ellenbogen Gallery LLC, 4620 Main Street, Revised details for approved permit on exterior lower roof profile.   Application 2022-011-117.1, Tax Map ID 31-50-26.00

Michael and Carolina Ellenbogen were present to describe the changes to the exterior building addition.  The project will remain within the same approved foot print but height will be reduced by 10ft.  The changes proposed by the applicant were in keeping with the ordinance and the modification of the elevation change was viewed as a positive change to the project.


Watanabe motioned to approve as submitted, Shoener seconded.  The motion carried 4-0.


6. Mark Lenza, 4714 Main Street, Application 2023-05-034, Tax Map ID 31-50-22.00

Mark Lenza gave an overview of the project which would entail the additional 7’ X 20’ square foot expansion to allow for a new tenant to use as a showroom for clients.  The existing building has always been used for retail/office rental purpose. 

There were some questions regarding visibility from the Main Street.  The applicant indicated that the addition would not be visible from Main Street.


The motion to recommend approval was made by Nevin and seconded by Watanabe.  The motion carried 4-0.


7. Pip and Roo Needleworks, 4697 Main Street, New Sign Application 2023-05-033.00, Tax Map ID 32-50-20.00

The applicant gave an explanation on the sign proposal that has two location one on the building and the other on a free standing replaceable sign post.

Watanabe made a motion to approve as submitted, Shoener seconded.  The motion carried 4-0.


With no additional business Watanabe motioned to adjourn the meeting Nevin seconded was adjourned at 6:04 PM


Next Meeting scheduled for June 28th at 5:00 PM




         Other Business:










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