


Commission Attendees: Greg Boshart, Tina Cutler, Ana Rahona, Leon Ward, Chris Glabach.

Staff Attendees: Janet Hurley (Planning & Zoning Director).

Public Attendees: Chris Ponessi, Ramsay Gourd, Mark Breen, Christian Heins.

Boshart called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Minutes from 2-10-2020 were approved by unanimous consent.

Proposed Zoning Changes. Boshart asked Ponessi, Gourd, and Breen what concerns they have regarding the proposed zoning revisions. Hurley offered that they were concerned about the proposed change for the three West Fields lots, and explained the sequence of changes to the Forest Conservation (FC) boundary to this point. Now that it is shown on the revised map, Hurley suggested it does not conform to the policy of not allowing individual parcels disconnected from others in a zoning district. Commissioners asked what the elevation was at the rear of these lots. Ponessi said it ranged from 1250’ on the northerly lot to 1175’ on the middle lot, to 1180’ on the southerly lot. Breen recalled that the topography and soils were better suited for development in what had been the Forest & Recreation district. Planning Commissioners agreed that all three should remain fully in the Rural Residential (RR) rather than having the Forest Conservation (FC) district line bisect the lots. Hurley will prepare a recommendation to the Selectboard to this effect.

Hurley then described one more revision that John O’Keefe and she recommended for two parcels on Depot Street, one containing the rk Miles picnic table warehouse. O’Keefe and Hurley suggest changing these two from Mixed Use 1 (MU1) to Town Center (TC) zoning. This would be more in keeping with the development pattern for these lots. They are not really part of a historic residential pattern such as MU1 is meant to reflect. Commissioners agreed that these two parcels were a better fit for the TC district. Hurley will prepare a recommendation to the Selectboard to this effect. The map will be forwarded as is to the Selectboard with these two recommended changes.

Boshart asked Heins whether he had concerns to share. Heins indicated he was present to offer continuity through the process for his client.

Rahona motioned to pass on to the Selectboard zoning revisions as modified per the two public hearings with the two additional recommended changes as just discussed. Cutler seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0-0.

Organizational Changes. Boshart offered to resign as Chair now that he is living in Dorset, and as discussed at previous meetings, having Vice-Chair Cutler take the role of Chair.

Ward nominated Cutler to serve as Chair. Rahona seconded the nomination. The nomination passed 5-0-0.

Cutler nominated Boshart to serve as Vice-Chair. Ward seconded the nomination. The nomination passed 5-0-0.

Hurley reported that John O’Keefe and Sewer Superintendent Eric Severance would like to come to the next meeting to discuss sewer line extension north along Main Street. She noted that the Selectboard will take up the preferred site status issue tomorrow night. She also reported that she received four proposals for the Phase 2 work on the downtown mixed use development project and that the Downtown Housing Working Group, of which Boshart is a member, will soon select a consultant from these four.

Hurley briefed commissioners on local COVID-19 response planning.

The next meeting of the commission is scheduled for April 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Rahona indicated that falls during Spring Break and she may not be able to attend. Glabach may also be away. Commissioners decided to meet on April 6, 2020, instead. Boshart motioned to adjourn. Glabach seconded the motion. The motion carried at 7:36 p.m.

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For the Planning Commission Date