


Committee Attendees: Joelle Greenland, John Watanabe, Ramsay Gourd (via Zoom).

Staff Attendees: Janet Hurley (Planning & Zoning Director).

Public Attendees: Clark French, Steve Dunning, Lisa Goodman, Sumeer Kakar, Marek Kovak, Paul Carroccio, Chip Edson, Greg Harrington (via Zoom), Liam Winters (via Zoom).

Hurley began recording. Greenland called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. with all committee members present. Watanabe motioned to approve the minutes of the May 26, 2021, meeting. Gourd seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

1. Circa50, 4898 Main Street, Exterior painting scheme, Application 2021-06-052.

Dunning proposed to paint his building Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black. He offered a paint chip. The building is currently deep purple (aubergine), with black doors and white windows. His sign is black with white lettering. He proposed no changes to the signage or windows and doors. Dunning sad he may come back for approval for sign lighting if needed.

Watanabe motioned to recommend approval as presented. Gourd seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

2. Northshire Bookstore, 4869 Main Street, Parking lot signage, Application 2020-11-097.1.

Clark explained that the 86 space parking lot is used by employees of various downtown businesses, who refuse to acknowledge that it is not a public lot. He said he is willing to work with neighboring business owners, but that he needs the signage in order to be able to tow those who continue to use the parking lot without regard to the bookstore’s needs. He shared a site plan with proposed parking lot sign locations highlighted. Up to nineteen 12” x 18” signs identifiying the lot as the Northshire Bookstore lot are proposed per every 6-7 parking spaces. He indicated they would be mounted on powder coated green metal with the tops of the signs at 48 inches. A second 3’ x 4’ sign warning that non-customers may be towed is proposed for the 5’ x 6’ wooden board on which GMP equipment for car charging stations is mounted. An email address with 24 hour monitoring is provided for information about towed vehicles. Hurley suggested that two of these at the smaller size should be installed at each entrance to the parking lot. Clark said he wants to keep the signage to a minimum, but he agreed this might be a good idea without increasing the count.

Watanabe motioned to recommend approval as presented with the additional two towing signs as discussed. Gourd seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

3. Manchester Elementary & Middle School, 80 Memorial Avenue, Shed addition on existing garage, Application 2020-06-046.1.

Harrington described the proposed barn addition. It will be painted red to match the barn and will have a gray metal roof. It will be only slightly visible from Memorial Avenue.

Gourd motioned to recommend approval as presented. Watanabe seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

4. Palmer House Resort, 5383 Main Street, Replacement awnings and new signage, Application 2021-06-056.

Kakar explained the plan for new awnings and signage, as well as new paint colors (Lily White and Deep Space Gray) for the two historic houses in the front. The Window awnings have been removed. The chimneys will match the Carmine Red (by Behr) awnings, on the pre-existing frames. There was some discussion of the color scheme. Hurley expressed concern that not all existing lighting was shielded and downcasting to prevent light spillage. Kakar was amendable to correcting any lighting accordingly.

Watanabe motioned to recommend approval as presented with shielding of lights as necessary. Gourd seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

5. Liam Winters, 188 Bonnet Street, Porch enclosure and new windows on contributing historic structure, Application 2021-06-058.

Winters explained that all windows will be replaced and some will be changed. A front porch will be partially enclosed as unheated space accessed from the living room. Balustrades will remain with new backing. Gourd said it looks like a very sensitive approach to the enclosure as an infill proposal that speaks to the vocabulary of the existing house, leaving the existing structure intact. An added bay window is proposed for the back of the house. Winters said it was a two family home that he returned to one unit. No materials will be changed, the infill will match, and new windows match the existing pattern. There will be an added cover over the back door too, matching the exposed brackets.

Gourd motioned to recommend approval as presented. Watanabe seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

6. The Goodman Group, Inc., 4915 Main Street, Outdoor merchandise display plan, Application 2021-06-060.

Goodman explained that she recently learned that she needs approval for outdoor display of merchandise. Watanabe asked whether the applicant was in a position to take the displays in at the end of the day. Goodman said that would be difficult. Greenland asked how often the displays would change. Goodman said there is no particular time frame. As merchandise moved it would be replaced, just as inside the store. Watanabe read from Section 6.15 from the ordinance. Goodman asked for clarification about why it is necessary to bring it in and out.

Carroccio asked about Langway and rk Miles. Hurley explained that they have approved site plans for display of merchandise that is meant for outside. Carroccio asked then whether Goodman could get approval for display of merchandise meant for the outdoors. Hurley said that is what she has applied to get. Watanabe asked what design component of this proposal requires DAC review. Hurley explained that Goodman would like to display merchandise under the awning, and the DAC will make a recommendation as to whether her display plan is appropriate. Greenland expressed approval for displays with plants and merchandise appropriate for the outdoors that have a country store, Vermont vibe. Gourd added that it comes down to how merchandise is displayed and what the merchandise is. He continued that it should be a carefully curated retail display, and not something that looks like a tag sale. Gourd felt the DAC has a say in how big the display area is and he felt that planter endcaps are a good idea.

Greenland agreed and added that the display area should not encroach on the ingress/egress points marked by the outdoor carpeting. Carroccio and Kovac noted that railings are being installed that will further define the display areas. Gourd asked if this is an expansion of the retail area. Hurley indicated that it is seasonal expansion. Goodman confirmed this to be the case.

Watanabe motioned to recommend approval of a curated display plan with planter endcaps and limited to the two areas under the awnings and demarcated by the railings to be installed contingent on DRB approval. Gourd seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

7. Glam Beauty Boutique, 4933 Main Street, Projecting sign, Application 2021-06-061.

Edson explained that the proposed sign is an oval on a metal bracket mounted at 8 feet above ground, mounted to run parallel to the front façade/street. Background is a marbleized dusty rose. No lighting is proposed.

Gourd motioned to recommend approval as presented. Watanabe seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-0-0.

Other Business

Hurley asked Edson if he ever received approval for outdoor display of product. Edson said he was never asked to seek approval. Hurley clarified that the ordinance required only merchandise not meant for the outdoors to be brought inside at night. Gourd asked if Edson was grandfathered. Hurley asked Edson whether he had been displaying his merchandise outdoors for more than fifteen years. Edson said he had. Hurley asked if he could prove that. Edson said he had been doing so since he moved to the site in 2003. Hurley said that made him existing nonconforming. She said that the only remaining business with outdoor displays that she was unsure about was All Things Vermont who have only been there for about 6 years. Watanabe recalled that All Things Vermont presented outdoor displays when it came before the DRB for its original approval.

The next meeting of the committee will be Wednesday, July 28, 2021. It will be the annual organizational meeting. Watanabe asked how long the hybrid meeting arrangement would be available. Hurley said it will be a permanent arrangement.

Gourd motioned to adjourn. Watanabe seconded the motion. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.

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For the Design Advisory Committee Date