Stabilizer Model

InterPSS controller models are built using the InterPSS Controller Modeling Language (CML) and the InterPSS Controller Building Blocks. This reference manual documents all available stabilizer models.


InterPSS controller models are built using the InterPSS Controller Modeling Language (CML) and the InterPSS Controller Building Blocks. The InterPSS development team will continuing to add more stabilizer models. The following information are covered:

    • Diagram - Transfer function block diagram for each controller
    • CML Scripts - InterPSS Controller Modeling Language scripts used to implement the controller
    • Default parameters - Default parameters for the controller, including unit, max value and min value allowed
    • Source code - A source code link is provided, where you can see actual controller implementation code.

InterPSS Stabilizer Models

InterPSS Simple PSS (Source)

       display= {"str.Vpss, this.output", "str.PssState1, this.filterBlock1.state", "str.PssState2, this.filterBlock2.state"}
   public double k1 = 10.0, t1 = 0.05, t2 = 0.5;
           type= CMLFieldEnum.ControlBlock,
           input="mach.speed - this.refPoint",
           parameter={"type.NoLimit", "this.k1", "this.t1", "this.t2"},
           y0="this.filterBlock2.u0" )
   FilterControlBlock filterBlock1;

   public double k2 = 1.0, t3 = 0.05, t4 = 0.25, vmax = 0.2, vmin = -0.2;
           type= CMLFieldEnum.ControlBlock,
           parameter={"type.Limit", "this.k2", "this.t3", "this.t4", "this.vmax", "this.vmin"},
           y0="pss.vs" )
   FilterControlBlock filterBlock2;

Default Parameter