Area Power Transfer Analysis



InterPSS Area Power Transfer Analysis is designed for power trading. Electrical power energy traders each day repeatedly perform the two tasks:

    • Starting from a base case with converged loadflow, study the impact of buying power (MW) from one area and supplying load in another area the system congestion;
    • Study the impact of buying cheap power (MW) from one area and reducing power production in another area, which might be more expensive, on the system congestion;

There might be more than one "Trades". The effect of multiple trades on the system congestion are cumulative.

Currently, power trading in US are using the Zonal concept. Power trading using the Nodal concept is expect to be in practice soon. InterPSS will add a Nodal Power Transfer Analysis function in the near future.

Run Analysis

In the following example, starting from the base case, 60.0 MW power is schedule to transfer from area 1 to area 2. Please the transfer amount is an increase from the base case scenario. Generator on bus 0002 contribute 60% to the from area generation. A de-rating factor 0.85 is applied to branch MVA rating, since only active power is consider in the analysis. Branches 0001-0005, ... are monitored for possible overloading due to the increase of the scheduled power transfer.

The following is the area power transfer analysis result:

    • AreaTransFactor : Area power transfer distribution factor for the branch
    • BaseCaseMva : Branch MVA flow calculated at the base case
    • PredictedMva : Predicted branch MVA flow due to the area power transfer increase
    • MavLimit : Adjusted branch MVA flow limit using the derating factor
    • Loading% : Branch loading factor in percent
    • Violation : Branch MVA limit violation indicator.