Prepare for Development

Development Setup

InterPSS is written in Java. While you can use any Java IDE, we recommend you to use either Eclipse or NetBeans IDE. Both are open source IDE and can downloaded freely from or

Java Environment Setup

Make sure you have Java SDK installed on your computer. You can check your Java installation by launching a CMD window from Start/run/cmd. Type the following command

java -version

to make sure that your have Java version is 1.5.0_07 or above. If you do not have Java on your computer, please go to SUN Java Distribution Site to download Java JDK 5.0 updateX and install it to your computer.

NetBeans IDE Setup

Please download and install NetBeans IDE. Currently we are using version 6.0 for InterPSS development. Please do the following to verify your NetBeans installation:

    • Launch NetBeans IDE
    • File->New Project ...
    • Choose Category:General, Project:Java Application
    • Project Name: My First Java Project and accept other defaults
    • Modify the main method in the generated Java file, as follows:

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello InterPSS");


    • Run -> Run <Your Project Name> Project. You should see the following in the Output window:



Hello InterPSS

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)

Eclipse IDE Setup

(Todo ...)


XML is one of the foundation technologies for InterPSS. You can learn XML basics on-line from W3 Schools. In particular, take the following two learns:

You can examine InterPSS XML Schema after you are comfortable with XML document and XML Schema concepts. You can also use Eclipse to check out ipss.xml project and view the schema in a graphic mode.


Java Readings

There following are recommended Java readings

Eclipse And Java

Object Modeling

InterPSS Object Model

    • [1] "Object-oriented Programming, C++ and Power System Simulation", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, Vol.11, No.1, Feb. 1996 pp206-216.
    • InterPSS Project Overview

Programming InterPSS