BPA Adapter

This document serves as a user guide about the adapter, providing information about what the adapter can do and how to use it.


A BPA adapter to convert data in BPA format to ODM Xml document has been developed by the InterPSS development team and school of Electric Power at South China Univ. of Technology. The adapter aims to convert both power flow data and dynamic data into the Open Data Model, and detail information about the implementation of each part will be presented in the following part.

The adapter source codes are located at InterPSS google site, basically, the whole adapter includes the following Java Class and Methods:

BPAAdapter.java: It is the highest level control of the adapter,in other words, it is the place that the adapter starts from. Besides, data conversion including network connection, area and zone interchange are implemented within this class;

About the power flow data:

BPABusRecord.java: Implements the power flow bus data conversion;

BPABranchRecord.java: Implements the power flow branch data conversion;

About the dynamic data:

BPADynamicRecord.java: It is the place that the dynamic data converter starts from;

BPADynamicGeneratorRecord.java: Implements the generator data conversion;

BPADynamicExciterRecord.java: Implements the exciter data conversion;

BPADynamicTurbineGovernorRecord.java: Implements the turbine governor data conversion;

BPADynamicPSSRecord.java: Implements the PSS data conversion;

BPADynamicLoadCharacteristicRecord.java: Implements the load characteristic data conversion;

BPADynamicSequenceRecord.java: Implements the sequence data conversion;

What is implemented

Currently, this version of adapter could handle the conversion of the following data cards:

Power flow data:

-A card: Area and interchange cards;

-B card: AC bus cards;

-L card: AC lines cards;

-T/ TP: two winding transformer and its adjustment cards;

Dynamic data

Below is a list of which type of dynamic component that is implemented in this version of adapter.



Turbine and Governor: GS+TA, GS+TB, GH, and GG.

Power System Stabilizer: SP, SS, SG, SI/SI+ ;

Sequence Network Data: positive, negative and zero sequence network data;

Load Characteristic Data:

Load Type

Static load





How to use

Original BPA data file should contain the following cards information:

  • base power mva in the document title information, such as:













/ NEW_BASE,FILE =sample.BSE\



  • Complete a “A” card to specify all the zones in the network, and it is recommended to use two-digit words or numbers to be a zone name. such as:

A NF 19.0 GD gz yn SX DC GX xn xb dh y1 g1 g2 g3 g4 GX DC GG LL

  • To do a power flow data conversion, add “loadflow” at the top of the data file as the first line of your file, serving as a sign to tell the program what to do. Such as:














/ NEW_BASE,FILE =sample.BSE\



    • To do a transient data conversion, copy the content of the *.swi file and paste it following the end of the load flow data file, then use “transient” to replace “loadflow”. Below is a IEEE 9bus system in bpa format:










A 01 BUS-1 100 00

BS gen1 16.500 999. 999. 1.01

B bus1 230.00

B busA 230.00 125. 70.0 20.

B busB 230.00 90. 40.0 10.

B busC 230.00 100. 55.0 20.

B bus2 230.00 35.0 10.0

BE gen2 18.000 163. 999 1.01

B bus3 230.00

BE gen3 13.800 85. 999. 1.01

.L ----------------- transmission lines ----------------------------

L bus1 230. busA 230. .0100 .0850 .0440

L bus1 230. busB 230. .0170 .0920 .0395

L busA 230. bus2 230. .0320 .1610 .0765

L busB 230. bus3 230. .0390 .1700 .0895

L bus2 230. busC 230. .0085 .0720 .03725

L busC 230. bus3 230. .0119 .1008 .05225

.T ----- transformers ---------

T gen1 16.5 bus1 230. .0567 16.5 242.

T gen2 18.0 bus2 230. .0625 18.0 242.

T gen3 13.8 bus3 230. .0586 13.8 242.


.#define bsefile "ieee90.bse"

LS busB 230. bus1 230. 1 0.0

LS -busB 230. -bus1 230. -1 10.

M gen1 16.5 247.5 1.0 H .04 .06 .04 .06

MF gen1 16.5 2364. 100. .0608.0969 .146.09698.96 .0336

M gen2 18.0 192. .85 S .089 .089 .033.078

MF gen2 18.0 640. 100. .1189.1969.8958.86456.00.54.0521

EA gen2 18.0 0.06 20. 0.2 0. 0. .314.104.293-.3983.98.063.35

SS gen2 18. 0.5 10. 0.2 1.3 .02 1.3 .05 2.0

GH gen2 18.0 180. 0.05 .04 1.0 5.0 .5 -0.1 0.1 .31

M gen3 13.8 128. .85 S .107 .107 .033.07

MF gen3 13.8 301. 100. .1813 .25 1.3131.2585.89 .6.0742

EA gen1 16.5 0.06 20. .20 0. 0. .314.104.293-4.0 4.0 .063.35

LB busA 230. 1.0 1.0

LB busB 230. 1.0 1.0

LB busC 230. 1.0 1.0

.FF 300. 1 1



    • Faults information is not added automatically into ODM.