OpenCIM is an object-oriented approach to the CIM information model, defined by IEC. OpenCIM is not a RDF/XML editor, rather a RDF/XML file processor. In addition, it provides a framework for building bridges or adapters for digesting information stored in an RDF/XML file and loading relevant information into other applications. OpenCIM uses Java as the programming language and XML to persist OpenCIM object model.

OpenCIM is currently under development by the InterPSS development team. The ERCOT CIM model, described by an RDF/XML file, currently with approximately 2.6M records and 4.2G in size, is used as the benchmark for the development and testing. The question that we want to address is - How do I process a real world power system CIM model, often gigabytes in size, without using Oracle database?.

The following are the preliminary testing results.

ERCOT RDF File Tests

    • Build Model - Parse the RDF file and build an OpenCIM object model, computation time is in format: mm:ss
    • Save Model - Save the OpenCIM from memory to two sets of xml files: 1) model file and 2) data object files
    • Model Size - Persisted OpenCIM file size, (Model file size + Data Object file size)
    • Load Model - Load the persisted OpenCIM model into memory and re-create the OpenCIM object model

Note: (1) The ERCOT 4.4G RDF File test was independently performed by CenterPoint Energy. Please see the attached InterPSSOpenCIMevaluationReport_CNP.pdf for full details.

Request OpenCIM Evaluation - Please contact us if you are interested to evaluate OpenCIM software.