Simple Loadflow Program


InterPSS is designed to be extensible and its open and loosely coupled system architect allows components developed by users to be easily plugged into the system to augment it functionality, and also important, allows its components to be integrated into other systems to provide certain functionality.Herein, we will demonstrate how to create a simple loadflow program in Elipse, which is an open source tools for Java development.


Before the actual implementation, you should make sure that you have done the following preparations:

    • Make sure that you have install Java 1.6 or above. Details about Java installation could be found here.
    • Download and install InterPSS GEditor, details about InterPSS installation could be found here.
    • Download and install Eclipse IDE, currently there is a Eclipse IDE 3.4, which could be downloaded from here; after download,unzip it to your local driver location.
    • Start Eclipse and configurate JRE settings.

Start Eclipse, select Window-->Preference-->Java -->Installed Jres, see below:

Then select Add to add the updated JRE version installed in your local driver:

Then select the JRE version that you have just added, for example, here we select jre1.6.0_06.

InterPSS programming style

InterPSS is developed based on the Objected-orient programing style,using Java as its programming language.Detailed information about the programming style could be found here

Set up a SampleLoadflow program in Eclpse

We would demonstrate how to create a user-defined program based on the existing InterPSS project using a sample loadflow program.

    • Create a new Java project in Eclipse, by selecting File-->New-->Java Project. For example, here we create a Java project called SampleACloadflow
    • Create a new Class in the SampleACloadflow project, by right click the SampleACloadflow -->New-->Class, input the Package name and Class name, then clikd finish, as shown below:
    • Copy all the source code of SampleLoadflow, which is available at here, except for the pakage loaction name "
      • package org.interpss.sample.aclf;", which should be replaced with your own one,

for example, here we use "package com.stephen.scutep;", as shown below:

    • From the figure above we can see that there is a lot of errors in the Class, which means that you need to add the required jar documents into the project.Herein, you need to add the following jar documents:

To do this, just right click the SampleACloadflow project--> build path -->configure build path --> Libraries,

Then select Add Extenrnal JARs, then go to the driver location where you installed InterPSS,

Then go to lib-->apache, select commons-math.jar,then click open,

You will see that the commons-math.jar has been added into the project,

Simularly to this, you could add other 6 jar documents into the project, their locatons are as:

ipss-plugin,jar, ipss-core.jar both are under Your InterPSS installation location \lib\ipss

org.eclipse.emf.*** are under Your InterPSS installation location \lib\eclipse

spring.jar is under Your InterPSS installation location\lib\spring

    • After all the required jar documents being added in, the project could be run by right click the>run as


Then result would be displayed in the console window, as follow:

Load Flow Summary

Max Power Mismatches

Bus dPmax Bus dQmax


Bus2 0.000008 Bus2 0.000007 (pu)

0.795773 0.716587 (kva)

BusID Code Volt(pu) Angle(deg) P(pu) Q(pu)


Bus1 Swing 1.00000 0.0 1.1153 1.0306

Bus2 ConstP 0.84331 -4.1 -1.0000 -0.8000

Load Flow Summary

Max Power Mismatches

Bus dPmax Bus dQmax


Bus2 0.000000 Bus2 0.000000 (pu)

0.000771 0.000792 (kva)

BusID Code Volt(pu) Angle(deg) P(pu) Q(pu)


Bus1 Swing 1.00000 0.0 0.9679 0.8431

Bus2 ConstP 0.86901 -3.6 -0.8855 -0.6783

Aclf FuncLoad Adjustment/Control

BusID Pact Qact V P(0) Q(0) Status

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------

Bus2 0.8855 0.6784 0.8690 1.0000 0.8000 on

Congratulations! You have successfully created your own loadflow program!