ODM --- InterPSS mapper implementation

This is a plugin project trying to develop a mapper to map the transient data in ODM format to InterPSS object format.

1. Machine model gap

ODM lack of the following information:

  • X/R
    • Sliner
    • Frequency - added
    • Machine saturation status - added
    • Machine grounding status - added
    • Infinite bus type

2. Exciter model gap

3. Governor model gap

In ODM govSimpleType, should the element 'basePower' be deleted?

4. PSS model gap

5. Branch data

ODM lack of the following information:

    • Branch mva ratings ---- rating1, rating2 and rating3;
    • Zero sequence data;

6. Xformer data

ODM lack of the following information:

    • Connection type: delta or Y, both the from-end and to-end.
    • Grounding status, grounding R and X;