InterPSS Dev Env Setup

Please Note: InterPSS repository has been moved to GitHub. The following Dev Env Setup procedure is obsolete now. Please follow InterPSS Application and Development tutorial to Setup your InterPSS Dev Env.

The following are main steps to set-up InterPSS development environment:

Java Environment Setup

Make sure you have Java SDK installed on your computer. You can check your Java installation by launching a CMD window from Start/run/cmd. Type the following command

java -version

to make sure that your have Java version is 1.6.xx or above.

Eclipse IDE Setup

InterPSS is written in Java. InterPSS development team uses Eclipse as the main Java IDE. Currently, InterPSS uses Eclipse 3.5, which can be downloaded from You can use the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" version.

SVN Set-up

InterPSS source code is stored in a SVN (Subversion) repository. One can use Eclipse SVN plugin to check-in/out InterPSS source code.

Source Code Repository

InterPSS source code and required library are hosted in Google Code Repository.

Check-out Source Code

One can check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP or using svn checkout

Check-in Source Code

You have to be an InterPSS development team member to check in your source code into InterPSS source repository.

Run Sample

There is a ipss.sample project in the InterPSS SVN trunk. Following the steps below to run the samples.

Set-up SNV

Assume you have installed Eclipse SVN plugin and configure it properly. In Eclipse IDE, go to Window->Open Perspective to open SVN Repository Exploring perspective. Then create a SVN repository location,

Use InterPSS Google code repository location: to connect to the repository

Check-out Sample Projects

Check out ipss.lib and ipss.sample projects

Run Sample

Right-click the and Run As "Java Application"

You should see the output in the Console window.

Run Grid Computing Sample
