AC Loadflow PSSL Syntax

AC Loadflow PSSL Syntax


* DSL (domain specific language) for AC Loadflow calculation


* 1) The method should be called in sequence following the sequence defined, for example

* Bus.genCode() should be called before bus.voltageSpec()



* Add a load bus to the network


addAclfBus(id, "Bus-"+id)





.load(new Complex(p,q), pUnit);

* Add a non-load and non-gen bus


addAclfBus(id, "Bus-"+id)



.baseVoltage(baseV, unit);


* Add a PQ Gen bus to the network


addAclfBus(id, "Bus-"+id)





.gen(new Complex(p,q), pUnit);


* Add a PV bus to the network object


addAclfBus(id, "Bus-"+id)





.genP_vMag(p, pUnit, v, vUnit);


* Add a swing bus into the network


addAclfBus(id, "Bus-"+id)





.voltageSpec(vMag, vUnit, vAng, angUnit);


* Add a capacitor bus to the network


addAclfBus(id, "Bus-"+id)





.capacitorQ(q, qUnit);


* Add a line branch to the network


addAclfBranch(fid, tid)


.z(new Complex(r,x), zUnit)

.shuntB(hB*2.0, bUnit);


* Add a Xfr branch to the network


addAclfBranch(fid, tid)


.z(new Complex(r,x), zUnit)

.turnRatio(fTap, tTap, ratioUnit);


* Add a PsXfr branch to the network


addAclfBranch(fid, tid)


.z(new Complex(r,x), zUnit)

.turnRatio(fRatio, tRatio, ratioUnit)

.shiftAngle(fAng, tAng, angUnit);


* Add a FunctionLoad control to the network


.initLoad(new Complex(loadP0,loadQ0), unit)

.pCoefficient(p_a, p_b, unit)

.qCoefficient(q_a, q_b, unit);


* add PQ bus control



.qSpecified(qSpec, qUnit)

.vLimit(vMax, vMin, vUnit);


* Add PV Bus control



.vSpecified(vSpec, vUnit)

.qLimit(qMax, qMin, qUnit);


* add PS Xfr control of p flow

addPSXfrPControl(fromId, toId, "1")

.pSpecified(pSpec, pUnit)

.angLimit(angMax, angMin, angUnit)




* add bus Q control of a remote bus voltage


addRemoteQBus(busId, adjNet)



.qLimit(qMax, qMin, qUnit)

.vSpecified(vSpec, vUnit);


* Add Bus Q control of a remote branch mvar flow





.qLimit(qMax, qMin, qUnit)

.vSpecified(vSpec, vUnit)




* Add Xfr branch tap control for bus voltage


addTapControl(fromId, toId, "1")




.vSpecified(vSpec, vUnit)

.turnRatioLimit(tapMax, tapMin)





* Add Xfr Tap Control for branch mvar flow


addTapControl(fromId, toId, "1")



.mvarSpecified(mvaSpec, mvaUnit)

.turnRatioLimit(tapMax, tapMin)




