Extension Guide
There are two ways to extend InterPSS:
- Development - InterPSS has a plugin architecture, where one can write some Java code and plugin to InterPSS to augment or change InterPSS's behavior. You can find more about this approach at the InterPSS Development Guide. Using this appraoch, you need to go through a full software development cycle, including analysis, design, implementation and testing, to develop a robust plugin, which may sometimes be too overwhelming for a power engineer.
- Scripting (Scripting Guide) - InterPSS Graphic Editor allows one to write few lines of code, in Java, JavaScript or InterPSS Controller Modeling Language(CML), to define, for example, a custom excitation system model, for a specific simulation case. This approach is much simpler as compared with the formal development approach. It is our goal to make the scripting approach as simple and intuitive as possible. Also, we will provide a way for you to package the scripting code and plugin into InterPSS as a formal plugin, after you are satisfied with your scripts and want to distribute your solution to a wide audience.
InterPSS Controller Modeling Language (CML) -InterPSS Controller Modeling Language (CML) is designed to simplify controller modeling for transient stability simulation. One can write CML scripts to define a custom controller, including excitation system, governor system and power system stabilizer. You can find more info about CML at the following link:
Package Scripting Solution as InterPSS Plugin - After completing your scripting and finishing testing, you may want to add a user friendly GUI to hide your implementation details to make it easy to use. You may also want to distribute your solution to other users or contribute your solution back to the InterPSS user community. This section will guide your to package your scripting solution as an InterPSS plugin and to make it ready to be re-distributed to other users.