Week 6

Management Summary headwire

This report provides an overview of our project for the headwire.com Inc. We were tasked to develop an automated screen recording program to generate video tutorials. The basic idea behind our software is to do the same as every standard screencast software on the market, but it should be easily automated and require little monitoring.

The normal process to produce a video tutorial is highly time consuming, as the person providing the tutorial needs to be present during the whole recording. Additionally, if somehow the website is updated after creating the initial video tutorial, the whole process needs to be repeated to make sure the customer has an up to date tutorial. Headwire’s content management system changes often, which implies a lot of repetitive work. Our java application solves this problem by automating most of the process. The first version of the platform independent automatedscreenrecorder includes the following features:


Various of these features already exist as a standalone application. The main challenge for us was to find the right solution for each part of the program and integrate it in our own java application. The following picture provides an overview of all the libraries and API’s and how they work together in our program.


The automatedscreenrecorder is intended to be an open source software. Our project provider will use it internally at headwire, but the full source code will be accessible through GitHub. Depending on the feedback of our project provider, we might possibly create our own website for the automatedscreenrecorder.

Pascal Burri, Patrick Duarte Pereira, Pascal Steiner, Claudio Hug