Week 2


Monday 09.18.2017

We had a phone conversation with Lukas (Switching the focus to the chatbot for this week, because the access to the Swisscom CMS tool AEM (earlier CQ5) is in delay.

Started chatbot research, testing of multiple chatbot API’s and comparing them to each other. A list of the best 25 chatbots can be consulted here: https://chatbotsjournal.com/25-chatbot-platforms-a-comparative-table-aeefc932eaff .

Tuesday 09.19.2017

We had class at the university with Mr. Ghiassi.

Continuing the chatbot research and first hands on different chatbots. The chatbot called API.ai looked pretty good for our needs. Because of this we watched some tutorials to get a few more impressions of its possibilities.

Wednesday 09.20.2017

We worked at the Swisscom office in Palo Alto. Stephan Massalt gave a very interesting presentation about his work and what they exactly do in the Cloud Lab team, which he is the leader of.

Furthermore, we tried to create a first prototype of the chatbot and integrate a “contact form” into the chatbot. A problem, which has occurred was the ability to read out the chatbots message and save it in a DB.

Thursday 09.21.2017

Firstly, we had an early Skype conference with Mark from the Outpost and Damien Julien the brand designer from Switzerland. Then, we attend Class at university with Mr. Ghiassi.

In the afternoon, a visit to the NASA Ames Research center was scheduled and we enjoyed an interesting speech from a NASA employee.

Friday 09.22.2017

We had a Project meeting with Mr. Schneider, before the Friday speech from Markus Scharnowsky, the Founder of GoNitely. Moreover, we tried to find a workaround regarding the contact form problem. A possible solution could be using a “webhook” coupled with a framework which provides a webhook-to-email-service. It’s not working yet, but work is in progress.
