Week 4


Sunday 10.01.2017

• Discussing design overhaul with PJ Gupta

Monday 10.02.2017

• Teambuilding event @Intel Museum

• Phonecall with PJ Gupta

Tuesday 10.03.2017

• Work at Checkbook.io

o Discuss definitive design for the new homepage

o rStart coding

Wednesday 10.04.2017

• Work at Checkbook.io

o Design new check

o Work on overall design for homepage

o Start extracting CSS for the new API design

• Teambuilding event watching at SAP Center watching Flyers@Sharks

Thursday 10.05.2017

• Coding the new check feature

• Coding the new overall design

• Extracting CSS for API design

Friday 10.06.2017

• Coding the new check feature

• Coding the new overall design

• Project meeting with Prof Schneider

• Excursion @Bossard Design Center in Milpitas