Week 5


The fifth week of the project was all about preparation for the handover. We gave the website a nice finish. The Python Script got revised and is now running smoothly and is good to go. The documentation got also ready to be handed over. It was a nice week for us, and we are proud to present such a cool end product. Even though we did not achieve all the goals we originally set, it does not feel bad in any way. Our client is happy as well as we are.

Monday 10.09.2017

Python Script: Complete makeover and restructuring of code. Build unit tests for each function.  RELEASE 2.0. Perform testing. Update Readme. Document Testing. First Deployment on another laptop.

Documentation: Drawing of detailed big picture of the project components and processes.

Tuesday 10.10.2017

Morning lecture with Professor Ghiassi at Santa Clara University (SCU).

Documentation: Business process diagrams and activity diagram design as well as simple big picture for management. Revision of project documentation.

Website: Shows which are currently live will be tagged “live”. Shows which are over but still on the current day will be marked “over”. And the 24/7 show “Stadiums” appears only once, instead of every day again and again.

Wednesday 10.11.2017

Documentation: Activity diagram completed, as well as components diagram. Created presentation draft.

Visiting Stanford for a book presentation about how to handle with assholes in business.

Thursday 10.12.2017

Speak at SCU from Corinna from Stella Technology.

Deployment: Preparation of components and content for handover (USB drive)

Testing: Test writing, and functional testing of website.

Documentation: Working on final presentation. Finishing of documentation with all requirements, architecture diagrams, test reports and other documenting content.

Friday 10.13.2017

Meeting at Twitter in San Francisco for deployment of our product.