Week 1

Monday 09.11.2017

- Introduction at SCU;

- Checking out possible parking-slots

- Skype Call with Cyril to discuss the important points for the survey SCU;

- Read and study different documents to be able to start a draft version of the survey; SCU;

- Discussion about transportation during ice 2017; SCU

- Prepare first draft of the survey

Tuesday 09.12.2017

- First lecture at SCU

- Renting a car

- Individually research about competitors, possibilities and possible questions about the project topic

- Collect different questions to be ready to complement draft version depending on Cyril`s feedback

- Prepare kick-off meeting from 09.13.2017

- Working on the SMART-model

Wednesday 09.13.2017

- Preparation Kick-Off Meeting

- Recording draft-version of the seven goals

- Kick-Off Meeting with Cyril in San Francisco

- Post-editing meeting in San Francisco

- Install surveymonkey

- Research distribution channels

- Editing draft-version of the seven goals

- Weekly-report

Thursday 09.14.2017

- Seconde lecture at SCU

- Finalize questionnaire

- Fix date and time for next meeting

- Catch phrases for advertisement (Facebook, Different Platforms)

- Updated survey after feedback Valora

- First draft of survey with surveymonkey

Friday 09.15.2017

- Finalize questionnaire

- Finalize draft of survey with surveymonkey

- Finalize 7 SMARTER targets

- Skype call with Cyril about the guidelines of the interview

- Fridayspeech in San Mateo