Week 2


For our second week we had all resources to completely concentrate on the project work. Jim was out of town, so we did not meet up with him. But we had good progress on the online guide.

Monday 09.18.2017

Documentation: Big picture of architecture and activity diagram.

Python Script: Start implementation;

Excel data can be loaded and HTML file can be generated.

HTML: Implementation of table view for the future live show schedule.

Tuesday 09.19.2017

Third lecture of Professor Ghiassi at Santa Clara University. Summarizing SEO guidelines of Google for a later apply to the guide. Self-study of book “Software Engineering a practitioner’s approach”.

Wednesday 09.20.2017

Python Script: Implementation of validity check for data in excel file.

HTML: Implementing search bar and filter for guide.

Thursday 09.21.2017

Lecture number four of Professor Ghiassi about software development models.

Testing: Concepting of PyUnit tests. Start of implementation for python script tests (data input). Visiting NASA Research Center.

Friday 09.22.2017

HTML: Working on implementation of sort mechanisms. First version of overall UI design. Python Script: Implemented ability to build java script code out of excel file data.

Testing: Further working on PyUnit tests (data input). Friday speech about the story of GoNitely with Markus Scharnowsky.
