Week 2


Saturday 09.16.2017:

- first review of the survey

- launch survey private environment

Sunday 09.17.2017:

- launch survey Pro Senectute Kanton Luzern

- launch survey private environment

Monday 09.18.2017

- work on interview guidelines and finished draft version

- start analyzing answers of the survey

- do literature research

- launch survey on anibis.ch

- Start facebook ad campaign

Tuesday 09.19.2017

- lecture at SCU

- Skypecall with Cyril

- analyze answers and highlight pain points

- adjusted interview guidelines

- document survey results

- clarify requested style of documentary (HSLU)

- slacked with cyril to discuss first draft of the pain points

- updated pain points (round 2 and 3)

Wednesday 09.20.2017

- select a group of 25-30 people for interviews

- updated pain points again

cyril 3:22 PM @channel Hey, I believe we have a much better overview of what are the pain points we want to investigate. The target groups are also fine.

- adjusted interview guidelines

- contacted possible interviewpartners

Thursday 09.21.2017

- lecture at SCU

- visit NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field

- generate survey report

- update survey documentation

- fix a couple of interviews

Friday 09.22.2017

- first interviews via skype

- start analyzing interview results

- fix upcoming interviews

- brainstorming about possible concepts

- Friday speech at SCU