Week 4


This week was great in terms of progress but quite an adventure in terms of housing situation.

Friday night somebody broke into our house and stole all our laptops and electronics. This held us back for a few days until Professor Ghiassi and Jan from Santa Clara University as well as Professor Schneider borrowed us some laptops. Thank you very much for your support!

Concerning our project, we got that far that the site meets Twitter’s requirements and could be published after a few last detail changes. These will be finished in week 5 before the product finally will be delivered to Twitter.

Saturday 09.30.2017

Python Script: Changed go_online logic which decides about which shows of the input file will be published on the website. Revision of output file to match website’s requirements.

“911”: Project stops over weekend due to stolen laptops and a sick team member.

Sunday 10.01.2017

Python Script: Finalize adjustments → RELEASE V1.1

Monday 10.02.2017

JS / Python Script: Working on time zone converter which transforms showtimes between time zones

Tuesday 10.03.2017

Lecture at Santa Clara University including an interesting talk from Jim Skinner about his experience with live shows and content. After that, presentation of our newest version of the site to Jim. Discussion of some hints to help our last calculation problem with the time zone script.

Generous gift from our Professors: we were all able to borrow a PC and two laptops. Finally, we could continue with full workforce on our project.

Wednesday 10.04.2017

JS / Python Script: Final fix for date problem of the time zone converter. Additionally, some user tests to be sure about the time zone change functionalities.

Adding a tag to the schedule which informs about currently live shows.

Thursday 10.05.2017

Python Script: Finalize adjustments → RELEASE V1.2

Documentation: read through, several corrections

Friday 10.06.2017

Hangouts meeting with Jim to show our accomplishment with the time zone changer and discuss the work for next week.

Documentation: Draft of big picture. Adding new workload to documentation as well as minutes.

Excursion to Bossard’s Design Center.

Saturday 07.10.2017

Documentation: Finalizing of documentation, brainstorming for presentation.