Week 4


Monday 10.02.2017

Our group had a meeting with professor Schneider today. We discussed our project progresses and coordinated our next appointments and events as well as our next steps. Furthermore, he reminded us about the documentations we needed to take care of during the ICE. We also talked about our ICE movie and what pictures needed to be included. In the afternoon we visited the Intel museum in Santa Clara. There, we had an interesting and funny guide tour about the history of Intel and how they produced microprocessors. Then we went to the Santa Clara University where we continued working on the project. Our goal for this week was to find out more details and potentials of existing machine learning use cases which we have researched up to now. Also we wanted to make out a clear picture about what kind of data those machine learning algorithms needed.

Tuesday 10.03.2017

Instead of a normal morning lecture we had a speech from Jim Skinner. He worked for many tech companies including Amazon, Netflix and Microsoft. Currently he is working for Twitter. He gave us an interesting view of the whole television and multimedia evolution of the past 70 years. After the speech we started to study for the exam about software engineering as it will be coming up on Thursday.

Wednesday 10.04.2017

As it was the day before the exam we were deeply focused on studying and discussing about software engineering. Especially bringing this topic into question within the group helped us to prepare for the exam.

Thursday 10.05.2017

First we had a one hour lecture at Santa Clara University and then we wrote the software engineering exam. Finally, we had this behind us and continued working on our project. This session was very important to us. We reviewed the current use cases and put it into the big picture. This helped us get some interesting new ideas. At the end of the day we clinked our glasses to cheer for the completion of the exam.

Friday 10.06.2017

At the beginning of the day we started to analyze the materiel we received from a master degree student about data analysis for machine learning. Later we visited the Bossard Design Center at Milpitas. It was fascinating to see how this facility functions from design to testing on a final assembly.