Week 1


"The team had a very productive first day – were good at splitting up their tasks, setting a plan with milestones, starting their research, and keeping me in the loop on their progress."

Monday 09.11.2017

We fixed a date for the kick-off meeting with Ojas (project provider). Furthermore, we prepared a draft of the goals and questions for the kick-off meeting.

Tuesday 09.12.2017

Before the meeting with MobileIron we were sitting together and rendered the goals more precisely as well as prepared a PowerPoint presentation. In the evening, we met our project provider Ojas at the kick-off meeting at his office in Mountain View. There we discussed our goals that we set up earlier and made some adjustments to it so we knew exactly what to do.

Wednesday 09.13.2017

We started our project at MobileIron with a short tour of the working spaces in the headquarter. Then we prepared our basic project plan with TeamGantt. The plan contained our milestones as well as every single step we have to do to complete those milestones. This gave us an overview of how much work it is going to be. Furthermore, we received from Ojas a short introduction of the enterprise and its products. This was the first time were able to be a part of the Silicon Valley way of working, which was awesome to see.

Thursday 09.14.2017

Today, we reassessed all the open tasks in our project management tool TeamGantt and fixed the deadlines for every task. This took us more time than we thought. However it was important to us to have an efficient project management during the whole international campus experience.

Friday 09.15.2017

In San Mateo, we enjoyed an interesting Friday speech of Alex Fries from Ecosystem Ventures. Even though he was originally from Switzerland, he adopted for a really American style of presenting his business. This gave us a great overview of how Silicon Valley works including its investors and start-ups. His talk made us realize that it was completely different to the European way of investing in start-ups. After the speech, we asked Alex Fries if he could help us get any connections with machine learning start-ups and he was able to give us contact details for two potential start-ups.
