Week 3


Monday 09.25.2017

- Working on the chatbot, trying to fix the problem to save a conversation to move to another intent.

- Consultation with Bennie Eugster regarding the CMS of the website.

Tuesday 09.26.2017

- Very interesting speech provided by the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) given by Mr. Baldev Ghuman.

- After lunch, we hit the road towards San Francisco to attend the Swiss Startup Summit at Pier 17. It was fascinating to see young startups presenting their ideas and seeking for investors.

Wednesday 09.27.2017

- Continuous working on the chatbot. Finally, we managed to filter the relevant querys out of a conversation. Next step will be trying to save the relevant querys into a file or DB.

- Furthermore, we tried to solve the following problem which sounds trivial but is actually quit nerve wracking: "Get your API.AI agent to initiate the conversation before user types something".

Thursday 09.28.2017

- Morning class with Mr. Ghiassi

- We finally gave up getting access to Swisscom's Adobe Experience Manager CMS-tool Because our Skypmeeting was postponed for one week. So, it's time to switch to plan B.

Given that, we decided to set up the website with Typo3. We installed Typo3 on our Virtual Swisscom Server, which was provided by the swisscom guys. We will now switch the priority for the next days from the chatbot to the actual website.

Because a first version of the Swisscom Outpost website should be ready until next week (October 5.th 2017). A challenge was the implementation of the swisscom framework for the website. We had to refresh our HTML/CSS/javascript and Linux skills.

Friday 09.29.2017

- Friday speech with Laura Buffard in the morning.

- We set up the web developer environment. In the afternoon, we configured the apache server and structured the webside so that we are able to work simultaneously in the main html file.