06 Twitter

Twitter Inc.


1355 Market Street Suite 900 San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

Twitters mission: To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.

Project Provider

Jim Skinner

Staff Technical Product Manager (TPM)


Jim Skinner says that after almost two decades as a software engineer, he still felt like he didn't know enough about the software business. Though he worked on many high profile web sites (from the Netflix instant watch site to the Blockbuster movies on-demand site) he always harbored a desire to learn the "right way" to do things.

Skinner, who worked his way through college with programming jobs, grew up in Redmond, Washington, where he recalls that "everyone's dad worked at Microsoft." By the time he graduated, the film industry was in a slump and he headed back to Redmond, eventually joining Microsoft's media and entertainment practice. There, he implemented a television streaming system still used in South Korea. Skinner later became a key member of the team at Microsoft that developed AT&T’s U-Verse television system.

He joined Cisco while pursuing his degree in 2010, partly because he liked the Cisco people he met at Santa Clara. "The students at Santa Clara are good, down-to-earth people who are really smart and like to work," he said. Now at Twitter, Skinner is working for the company he did his capstone project on.

Alexandra Lengen, Lena Lütolf, Bettina Willi (team leader), Olivia Wassmer