Week 4


Monday 10.2.2017

We started the new week where we stopped last Friday. Every team member was occupied with coding.

In the afternoon, we had the chance to visit the Intel museum. We attended a very interesting guided tour through the museum. The tour guide was very excited about Intel and the work they have done for the computer industry.

Tuesday 10.3.2017

In the morning, we had class at the university with Mr. Ghiassi. After the class, we had a project meeting with Mr. Schneider.

In the afternoon, we have continued to work on the website. At the latest we have realized, that coding a website with hard coded HTML, CSS and Javascript is quite different than setting up a website with a particular CMS-tool. However, it’s more of a challenge and the learning curve is higher.

Wednesday 10.4.2017

We worked at the Swisscom office in Palo Alto the entire day. By the end of the day we finished a first version of the website, which we could show at the Outpost Swisscom Opening Party.

Thursday 10.4.2017

Like every Thursday, we attended the class at university with Mr. Ghiassi.

The second half of the day was dedicated to our website project. Later, we drove to Palo Alto to join the Outpost Opening Party. It was a relaxed gathering of mostly swiss people who are all doing business in the Silicon Valley. We got in contact with very fascinating people.

Friday 10.4.2017

The week is almost over, it is terrific how fast time flies. We started the day with a group meeting. We discussed how we will organize work during the upcoming final two weeks of the ICE.

Further, another excursion was scheduled today. Without a lot of expectations, we headed towards to the Bossard research and design center. It was obviously one of the best Friday presentations so far. If you haven’t been there by yourself, you will not believe how thrilling the screw business is.